
ASFINAG plans, finances, maintains and tolls the entire Austrian motorway and expressway network covering  2,178 kilometres. This figure includes 340 kilometres per direction in tunnels and 340 kilometres per direction over bridges.
ASFINAG was established in 1982 and is wholly owned by the Austrian Federal Government. A contract signed in 1997 between the Federal Government and ASFINAG gave the company additional powers and responsibilities: By virtue of this contract, ASFINAG holds usufruct rights related to land and facilities belonging to the primary federal road network and owned by the Federal Government and has the right to collect tolls and/or charges from those who use such land and facilities.

As a user-funded company, ASFINAG has committed itself to utmost efficiency in managing its financial resources. ASFINAG does not receive any money from the federal budget.

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В Бургас се проведе Мениджърска  конференция на Националното сдружение на българските спедитори. Пред представители на водещи компании за транспорт и логистика бяхя очертани насоките, в които се развива градът. Наблегна се на амбицията на Бургас да се утвърди като ключов разпределителен център за компании, опериращи едновременно на европейските и азиатски пазари.
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